Friday, December 08, 2006

Well, That Is 1.75 Hours I Will Not Get Back

At the request of the trustees of my church, I attended the city council meeting in the city that our church is located. I was surprised at the number pf people who were there (it is a small town) and at the size of the council (8 members, including the mayor). The small room filled up quickly and the meeting began on time at 7:00 PM. I like punctuality.

I read the agenda and was pleased to see that some good issues were going to be discussed (water ands sewer issues/proposals, real estate zoning changes (from agricultural to residential) and a few other things as well. The residents were encouraged to participate, but since I had nothing to discuss and this was my first meeting, I just observed.

Have you ever noticed that at almost every meeting there is that one person who seems to rub you the wrong way? Last night it did not take long for me to figure out who that was. This person seemed to find fault with everything that was said and almost whined about the process in which unpaid volunteers were chosen to sit on boards. I thought that was a bit petty. I guess the good news is that she will not be a board member forever...she has tendered her resignation effective this spring.

The rest of the meeting was not too bad, but I hate to sit for too long in a meeting. I really need to get up and move. At least I did not fall asleep :) Anyhooo, I have taken my notes and will report back to the trustees next week at our meeting. Not much we need to be concerned about as far as I can tell.

1 comment:

rycherox said...

Kudos on getting involved in civic activity. I look at it like voting. If you don't participate, I really don't want to hear what you've got to say when things don't go your way.

I know what you mean about that one "special" person in every crowd. I run into that person in almost every function I've attended. The most recent was a presentation on our county's school safety program. We had people in from all over the state. One, unfortunately, wanted nothing more than to whine about the perceived flaws (which we shot down quickly with facts). I have no tolerance for the "system designed to fail" doomsayers.