Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Process Is Underway

Monday was pretty uneventful with the exception of still not being called back by the insurance company. My wife (Oh, how I love that woman) called without me knowing it and when she was told that "no claim ahd been filed", she immediately called me. In turn, I called them, gave them the claim number that I was given via e-mail and the process was started. I was told that I could go to the closest one stop repair facility (closest one she said was in Addison) or drive to McKinney and have and adjuster look at truck and cut me a check. I took the latter (more on that later...).

I got home and gave my wife the news and she seemed pleased enough. Driving around with a broken out windows when it is rainy and/or cold out is not much fun. She agreed.

We had salad (with tuna on top) for dinner. I know, not a manly meal, but I need to get more greens and fiber into my diet and less fat and cholesterol. My lovely wife is helping and while I may not be the happiest about it, it is for my own good.

After dinner , I washed the dishes and went shopping for a few things as well as run a few errands. I got back in a fair amount of time and worked on my testimony for Sunday. I got it about 90% complete and e-mailed it to our assistant paster for approval. Then next morning, he responded with an affirmative.

After that was written and the bills were entered, I decided to watch some videos that I had never watched before. I started with Season one of "Red Dwarf" but I did not find it as humorous as my colleagues do. I stopped it and popped in Star Trek, Nemesis. My Lord, what a snooze fest. I fell asleep TWICE in the first hour. I have not done that since the first Star Trek movie. After I woke up the second time, I decided to go to bed. After all, I had already taken a sleep aid (Star TreK), so I was ready.

I got up and got ready for the appointment with the adjuster. While she was polite, she was not over quick. She gave me my options and while she was finishing up, I called one of the choices I had (Addison was not the closest as I was told previously, there was one less than 5 miles from my house) and they had a cancellation and could see me today. After the adjuster was finished and cut me my check, I drive home to unload the truck and have my wife meet me at the shop. At the shop I was checked in, but I failed to give them my key. My wife (Oh, how I love that woman!) dropped me off at work and WENT BACK to the shop to drop off the key BEFORE she went to work. She called me and told me about 15 minutes later that they wanted the remote as well, so she had to drive back home and get the spare. I called her boss and told him what was going on (he goes to our church, so he is rather understanding) and he told me not to worry. He is a nice guy.

While all this was going on, I was racing to get to work to attend a ConfCall. I made it with 60 seconds to spare :). Since I was about 2.5 hours later to work than I normally am, I was scrambling to catch up. I was a bit upset to see that the ticketing system was down, so I could not get logged in to do my work, but the good news is that it had been down for hours and I could not have been able to log on had I been on time. Bad for some, good for me!

The system finally came back up and I was able to get things organized in short time. Before I knew it, it was lunch time, and while I had just come it a couple of hours before, I had not eaten since 6 AM, so I was a bit hungry.

The only thing that was a "problem" so to speak was something our customer had complained about to my dotted line manager in Europe. They complained that my status update e-mails had them in the "CC:" field instead of the "To:" field. Wow. Of all the things to complain about. I guess that I should feel blessed that the CC issue was the only thing they complained about, right?

Well, I will be out of a vehicle for a couple of days at least. The good news is my wife and I can carpool, but the bad news is I will not be at work very early, BUT, I am not going to complain. What I may do is start at home and finish at work. That might be okay.

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