Thursday, December 07, 2006

Losfer Words

In between things last night and this morning, I have been trying to figure out what the problem is with my wife's Palm Vx clone. I have determined the following:

* It is not the battery
* It is not the charger
* It is not the power button
* It is not the latest patch for OS 3.5 (which is 3.5.3)

I have done a hard reset and the unit does not exhibit the same behavior as it does after a sync of all her it is either an installed (and archived) program or one of the databases that is corrupt. I have tried to de-install all the programs I can (basically removing them from the sync directory on the PC) but I still get the same results. The next steps will be the most painful. I will need to sync the unit with one db at a time until I find the culprit. No matter which one it is, I am going to cause my wife grief.

1 comment:

knightmare said...

I had a problem something like this, it was a calendar event that was repeating, and I had notification turn on, so it keep activating the pda to "remind me" of the appointment. this would run my battery down very fast.