Saturday, December 09, 2006

Later That Day...

I came home and helped with laundry and the dogs and changed the light bulb in the garage door opener that had burned out. I was not hungry even though it was past lunch time, so I did not eat anything. We were planning to go to the Family Readiness Christmas Party at the armory since we have not socialized much with the other soldiers families. The even was at 3:00 PM so we needed to leave by 2:45 or so. That was about enough time for me to pay some bills online and let my wife get ready.

At 3:15 we left for the armory (yes, we LEFT 15 minutes later than the start time of the even...) and even thought we left late, we did not miss anything. The meal was so-so, but it was the thought that counted. Wal-Mart assisted the FRG with the party and it meant a lot. My wife bought a commemorative T-shirt from the FRG and we ended up leaving after about 2 hours or so. We chatted with soldiers wife and her father in law for a large part of that time. He was about 65 or so, nice guy originally from Buffalo, NY. He retired from GM and after talking to him cold tell that his son meant a lot to him. I think I will add them all to my prayer list.

We came home, walked the dogs and watch last night's Law and Order. After that was over I decided to watch Battlestar Galactica and then work on the hockey-puck, trying to get it ready for my wife...

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