Saturday, December 02, 2006

Adventures In Pet Sitting

Friday evening I was scheduled to pet sit for Mickey and Mary as they attended a holiday party a couple of hours away from their home. Seeing that they have three dogs and kennels are expensive, they asked me to help them out. I was more than happy to oblige.

I left work at 2:00 PM (it was slow, but I still needed to be 'available') and came home to finish out my shift. While home, I packed what little I needed (laptop in case I get called from work, toiletries, and jammies) and waited for my wife to come home. While I waited I fed the dogs and let them go out, checked the mail, and charged my mobile phone. When my wife got home, we chatted for a bit and then I headed north 30 miles to dog sit.

Traffic was horrible but I made it there in about 45 minutes. When I got there, I was greeted by three little poodles...a bundle of energy but not annoying (well, at least not to me). After verifying the alarm was not set (it would have been fun though to explain this to the police) I let the dogs out to do their business. I read the instructions that were left for me (including the part about cookies, pumpkin bread, ice cream, and soda waiting for me) and then let the dogs back in. After getting a drink of Fresca (I love that stuff), I turned on the TV and watched about an hour of Rambo II, then turned it over to Sci Fi to watch Battlestar Galactica. After that, I called to check on my wife (she was feeling a bit run down...a cold I a think) and tell her good night and that I loved her. I then watched a little Food TV, let out the dogs a final time, and then hit the hay.

The guest bedroom was comfortable and the only down side was the dogs like to sleep with people. I normally am not a fan of that, but once I placed them strategically on the bed, I was able to get to sleep. When morning came, I was pretty alert so I immediately let the dogs out and let them do their thing. After about 10 minutes or so of watching the dogs play and after they had done their thing, I let them in and fed them. The feeding was a pretty painless process since the dogs know the pack order. I just placed the food down and they ate like they were supposed to. I gave them fresh water and then watched a little anime onIFC (I think that was the channel). After that show was over I brushed my teeth, made the bed, and watched some TV until about 9:45 AM. Then I let the dogs out for the last time, loaded up my truck with my stuff (including goodies from Mickey and Mary...Christmas munchies...I assume my payment) and called Mickey to tell him I was leaving. I left him a message but he called me right back to tell me that his wife was on her way. With that, I was headed home.

I called my wife to tell her I was on my way and she asked me to pick up some orange juice at the store. When I got to Krogers, I got her juice (and a few other things) before I went home. After I got home I walked our two dogs and helped with a load of clothes. It was just then I remembered that UNC was playing and I was just in time to see the second half. It was a good game between UNC and Kentucky which UNC won, 75-63. This is two wins in a row for the 'Heels. I am hoping for a great season.

After the game I hopped on the PC to pay some bills and check mail...and to update this... :)

I still need to vacuum and wash dishes, but with my wife being under the weather I am not sure how much I will be able to do.

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