Monday, December 18, 2006

So-So Sunday

Well Sunday was a decent day overall. I got and went through the normal routine before went to Sunday School (I drove my wife's van since rain was forecast) with a couple of small differences.

While I was getting ready, I plugged in my beard trimmer to whack down the 3 week growth and it would not turn on. I tried different outlets but the result was the same. Oh well, I guess I go to Sunday school looking scruffy. I shaved my neck so the only shaggy part was the mustache and the jawline.

I went to Sunday school and was entertained by Jimmy and JK for about 45 minutes. Both of them can get really deep when they want to. We started talking about the correlation between a new life in Christ and the New Year. It was pretty interesting, but I had to cut them short because I had to go back and pick up my wife for church.

I picked her up and we headed back to attend service. After the service, there was a reception for a family that is leaving. It is sad to see them go, but everything has a season. I munched on a few cookies and some peanuts while we said our good byes, then we went to grab lunch. We could not find the deli we wanted to go to for lunch so we went to the new BBQ joint instead. The quality of the food has gotten worse each time we have gone back. In about 2-3 more trips, it will not be worth it to go at all.

We stopped off to the bank to make a deposit, then to Target to purchase some tape, cereal bars and a new beard trimmer. Needless to say, I paid much less for it at Target.

We drove home and I worked a bit on some web based stuff regarding my web logs. A while back my gzipped lg files had to be unzipped to be read by analog. Then an update was made and I did not have to do this anymore, now the same issue is happening, only with a twist. If I d/l them directly and save them, they save a z byte files. If I try to open them up (over the web) with the GUI Linux tool, they open fine. I have no idea what is wrong, but if I can get them one way or the other, I am fine.

Later on in the day, I found out that UFC broadcasts on one of the Spanish channels that we get free. I guess I will be watching it there once in a while. I think it comes on Saturday evening at 9 PM central. I will have to check the web to be sure.

I called my mom to check on her and she brought me up to speed with all that has been happening with her. Life really does not change much for her in her corner of the world, but I still enjoy talking with her.

I went to bed shortly after walking the dogs and watching something called "Celtic Women" on PBS. It would have been perfect if not for the constant interruptions asking for donations. Well, it is free TV.

I woke up very stiff an sore in my lower back. I am not sure why, I have not been abusing it...much. After walking the dogs, coffee and a hot shower, I am beginning to feel a bit better.

My ride to work was annoying since the window is shattered in the truck. I had to tape plastic over it and it tore loose 15 minutes into the trip south. It was noisy and now I have tape residue on the door. I seriously hope I can get it repaired SOON.

I got to work and found that I am 95% ready to close the escalation. I have to wait for one of the other teams to submit a form to the team who fixed it then, I can close this baby. Thank you, Lord!

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