Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Irony / A Lot More Ron/Jawa Hits

Yesterday the TL's were cleaning out the desks of those who were laid off last month. Normal procedure to recycle what is old, reuse that which is still useful and to return any personal stuff that was left by accident. "Lars" had found a CD in the desk drawer of his former office mate. The CD was "Holy Soldier", a Christian hard rock band. The irony? The former employee was...a middle aged Muslim family man.

Now if they find something like that in my desk when I am gone, that is to be expected ...I am a metal head.

I noticed a lot more hits on blog today. When I check the particulars, they were from two locations, Ramquest Software and Affiliated Computer Services, so I am sure Susan was visiting again, but I am not sure who the other person is.

Someone else tracking Mssr Jawa?

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