Saturday, December 30, 2006

Death Of A Tyrant

If you have not heard, Saddam Hussein was executed, hanged until death, so reports almost every major news agency in the world. He was executed on Saturday at 6:10 AM Iraqi time. My son, who is in Kuwait, told me that they were preparing for possible insurgent uprisings in retaliation.

I am not going to celebrate his death, because he is just one of many that have caused the mess in the middle east. That region of the world will be in constant turmoil until Armageddon, and learned Christians know what will happen then. If you subscribe to biblical prophecy as I do, you may be aware that "Babylon" will rise. Babylon is an ancient name for an area in Iraq. Prophecy says that a world leader will make rebuild Babylon and make it powerful.

Saddam always reminded me of Don Vito Corleone in the Godfather movie. A violent man who deserved a violent ending. He ruled his country with an iron fist, invading (or attempting to invade) whomever he wished. Some say he was insane, some say he was a religious zealot. Who he was is not for me to say. He was a human who had committed (even acknowledged by his own supporters) terrible acts of inhumanity and violence. While it has been proven he was a corrupt leader, he did hold several warring factions in check, something that the current fledgling government has not been able to do. The country is at the brink of a civil war with local warlords and remnants of the Ba'ath party jockeying for power and the US is in the middle.

I believe in the death penalty for certain crimes. I believe Saddam deserved his punishment and as a Christian, I believe he will suffer an eternity in Hell. We all have to answer for what we have done in this life.




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