Monday, December 04, 2006


OK, a few of rants...

1) Please, when I ask you not to send me a certain type of e-mail, I mean it. I do not need anymore junk to filter.

2) Do not ask for my help if you are not willing to do what it takes. My time is too valuable to waste on people who just do not care.

3) Do not beg me to help you install Linux. You are not ready to use it. If you want to learn, install the software I HAVE ALREADY GIVEN YOU.

4) I cannot get you a job in IT. To get started you will have to start at the bottom (pretend you are a catfish) and work your way up. I had to do that and so did a lot of other IT professionals. Starting in IT without any experience and expecting $70,000 year is a not feasible.

5) Filing bankruptcy once I can understand, but twice? In 20 years? Do you not understand the concept of "spend less than you earn"? Ever wonder WHY your spouse is made at you all the time?

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