Below are some shots to show what the perp did to my baby. This first pic is what I saw as I came out of the condo and headed towards my truck. Picture this in a parking lot at night with a light post very close shining in the cab:
Then I hit the remote door locks (which also turns on the cab lights) and saw this. Again, I saw this at night in a parking lot with one light shining:

They made more of a mess getting *in* to my truck than they did getting the stereo out. The actually unplugged the unit and did not cut anything.
Below, they must have not liked my choice in music. They ejected the CD in the unit and left it on the floor with blood still on it. They also did not take the trim plate that came with the unit, which means it is gonna look pretty stupid in the car they put it in. They were not very smart because they tried to pry the unit out and it had quick release pins holding it in. Stupid thief. They left my crucifix, my Promise Keepers Key, and my Celtic knot necklaces which were around the rear view mirror and 8 CD's in a nice leather case with an embossed Celtic knot on it in the glove box. They also missed loose change in the console and my billy club in the extended cab.
Below you see the blood left on the door and the jimmied lock. I cannot get my key in it so it is pretty much FUBAR. Glad I have remote locks. The lock has a very sharp edge from being jimmied and I believe that is what the perp cut himself on. His prints are also on the truck, but the the Dallas police do not care about silly details like evidence.
Something that is not shown in this picture is some that I noticed as my wife and I (I LOVE THAT WOMAN!) cleaned up the mess. It appears that they stuck what looks like (from the impression on the gasket) a flat blade screwdriver between the window and the gasket trying to pry it out. If they wanted my stereo so badly and wanted to get it easier, quieter, and with less bloodshed, they could have just popped the rear cab window and unlocked the door. I realize that would have taken a thief with at least half a brain, but if I can see that...
The best I can tell is that they tried to jimmy the lock, cut themselves and then pried at the window, possibly shattering it. Then the door was opened and they popped off the fascia. The thief must have propped himself against the floor at some point because there was blood *under* my driver side floor mat that was not there before. I guess he put his hand under the mat to keep from cutting himself further.
As I look back at this, part of this is my fault. The CD player is silver, in a dark gray interior, so it stands out. I also did not park as close to the condo as I could have because I was trying to leave parking for the residents who would be coming home soon from work. The good news is that no innocent people (myself or residents of the condo) were hurt and I was smart enough to take my Ray-ban sunglasses and my laptop inside. I am sure that even a *stupid* thief like the one who liberated me of my CD player would have taken those.
My wife made a funny comment. Back in biblical times, a person who was caught stealing had a hand cut off. If the cut on the perp's hand got infected and he did not take care of it, it would have to be amputated, ergo justice would be service in a biblical fashion. I don't wish any ill will towards this perp. Yes this is an inconvenience and I will be out a stereo (I am not sure if Allstate will allow me to replace it...I did not tell them I had an after market stereo). I may even have my truck get wet on the inside (rain is forecast early next week), but I am not the judge. God is and the perp will get what is coming to him ... in God's time.
Utterly incredible. The police won't do anything eh?
Should start a mass riot. Then they'll get off their duff.
Well, they did file a report and give me the report number for insurance purposes.
The one thing odd about the report was that they asked me for my race. I guess I am just a statistic now:
40-something white male robbed in Dallas.
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