Tuesday, June 13, 2006

One Day, Maybe I Will Learn...

I logged to IRC today, which is something I do not very often. I dislike a couple of the regulars, but I try not to let them bother me. It was one of those days that I just felt the need to chat with people away from work. People you do not really know, people that you can just joke with, talk shop, sci-fi, etc with.

Well, on my first attempt at logging on, I noticed my normal nick was banned. Odd. I tried another and it was banned, too. I tried another (which was an awkward spelling of my original nick), and got logged on. I asked the group who banned me... I was curious. I figured it was Flute. She and I went round a round few times and even though I just ignore her now, she still tries to start trouble. "Unbalanced" said that he was pretty sure $female_chatter had my nick banned so I did a stupid thing and said she was being childish and was not being "a man". I know it was wrong and I wish I had not done it.

$female_chatter finally pipes up and asks me what I am accusing her of. I tell her but she denies doing having me banned. One of the other regulars I normally get along with, backed her up. So, I just decided not to press it. Then, $male_chatter unbans my nick. Odd.

I thank him. Then I find out HE banned me.

[08:24]$male_chatter sets mode: +b *el_gee*!*@*
[11:37] ah... why did el_gee get banned?
[11:37] for fun?
[11:38] maybe he hurt $male_chatter feelings...

I then tell $female_chatter that I apologized for my words, and she does not take it very well. Then $male_chatter starts in on me. I told him that I was sorry for my actions. He says nothing back. Typical...one defends the other.

When will I learn my lesson and stop logging on to secular chat rooms? I do like most of these people (and enjoy talking to them), but it only takes a couple of them (usually the aforementioned two) to stir up trouble. I mean $female_chatter and $male_chatter always act like children and I fall right into the trap of responding to their behavior. Why am I so gullible?

After a while I realized that I needed to do some serious praying. I had made some mistakes and I was blessed to be convicted by the Holy Spirit on them. I plan on make a public apology in the chat room, but most likely (with the Lord's help) stay out for some time.


I told both $male_chatter and $female_chatter openly (not in a PM) that I was sorry, which I truly am. Neither responded. Well, at least all the chat is logged so they can review it at their leisure.

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