Thursday, June 29, 2006

El Gee, You EEEEEEEE-diot

E-mail from my boss:

El Gee,

Can you install the performance software on the ambiguously named UNIX R&D server in North Carolina?

Preface: We have a naming conventions on our servers. Without giving out too much info, we tend to use a pattern for all the servers of a particular type. If we were talking about a Unix Server in NC that runs R&D software the name would hypothetically be

Now, my boss did not give me the full name of server, just a part of the name and the site. I missed the site and began installing the software on the server on OUR site. It took 30-40 minutes because some dependencies needed to be met and I am still green at this and it always takes me longer to do simple stuff in Linux and Unix.

After all that, I start to respond to his e-mail and see the site (NC) and hang my head. I had installed and configured the wrong box. I logged on to the NC box and soon found out the software was already installed (I did this about 2 months ago).

On the plus side, when it comes time to install the performance software on the R&D server on OUR site, I am ahead of the game.


1 comment:

dakboy said...

It could always be worse. You might have accidentally rebooted a critical production server with no warning, mid-day on a Monday.

Not that I would know anything about that...