Monday, June 12, 2006

Falling Apart

The rape accusations against the Duke lacrosse team members are falling apart fast. MSNBC/Newsweek is report that the accuser is not looking as credible as she once may have. The days and hours leading up to the time of the alledged attack are filled with accusations of the stripper having sex with at least two and possibly as many as 4 other people in the days prior to the "attack" that are casting serious doubt on her claims.

D.A. Nifong has been quiet, not giving any indication that this is a legitimate complaint. While many say he believes the accuser, most of those say the evidence does not support his feelings. Accusations that he was using this as a vehicle to further his political career abound. While no one knows for sure, it does appear that this is a witch hunt. Race has been brought in, as well as socio-economic status of those involved.

The parents want to believe their children are "good kids". We all want to think our kids would do the right thing, but as the parent of an 18 year old, I know that is just not true. They all do things they (and we) wished they didn't, break the law, get into minor trouble, etc. It happens even to the very best of parents. While all this is just he said / she said right now, the longer this goes on, the more dirt that will be dug up. The story smelled fishy from the first I heard of it and it grows more rancid as time goes on.

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