Sunday, July 22, 2007

Too Fast For (Tanysha) Love, Part 2

I feel a little guilty. Not a lot mind you, bit a little. A while back, a Russian scammer sent me an e-mail (which I blogged about) and I entertained the thought of toying with her, but gave up. Well, she contacted me again using the same format as before. Since I knew it was a scam, I decided to play along. She sent the same pictures (below) and after I sent her a response, she sent me more. I am sure I am going to have a ton of pics before this is over.

This has been going on for about 4 days now. "Tanysha" has been pretty predictable by writing to me once a day or so. As with most con artists, she/he is pretty skilled at getting info, but I have not given anything that is real. What I have done was create a cowboy personae to feed her/him. I have redneck friends, live on a ranch, and have two Latino ranch hands. I even served in Iraq during Desert Storm.While I am sure that my charade will fall through soon enough, I plan on having fun while I can. If I can waste enough of the scammers time, maybe they will get the idea. I wonder how many people get taken for a ride by the romance scams each year?

The scammer, "Tanysha", has asked me a lot about my family, friends, and my life as well as for pictures. If you read the scammer's e-mails closely, you will she/he NEVER answers any of the questions I ask. That is a great sign that this is really a scam.

According to A Romance Scam Busting Web Site, the scammer is hijacking are the pictures of a model from here. The funny thing is in her e-mails she keeps telling be (in "scamglish") how hard she has had it, but anyone who is thinking could see she the subject of the photos is not wanting for anything.

This is not the only Russian scammer to e-mail me. I had one other that was bold an sent me pictures with the intro "hook" e-mail. She was not a stunner (as a matter of fact she was kinda plain) but she was not in Russia. She had a US IP...and that is a little to close for El Gee.

Anyhoo, Rycherox and Knightmare Duck are BCC'd on every e-mail so if anything does happen to me, at least they have copies of IP addresses and what is said. I like to be prepared.

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