Friday, July 27, 2007

Just A Few Observations

Sometimes, thoughts come into your head and you just have to jot them down:

* If you ever want it to rain, just water your lawn or wash your car. This really works (While we have had a wet spring and early summer, we have been rainless for the last 10 days or so. I decided that my foundation was too important to neglect, so I watered it on Monday and watered the lawn on Wednesday. Thursday, it stormed. While the offical Weather Channel report says we only received .14 of an inch, I think that is off. It rained very hard here).

* A surprising number of people are up using their PC's at 5:00 AM (I get up to walk Little Man at 5:00 AM. The neighborhood is quiet and dark, except for the newspaper delivery person. As I am walking through the neighborhood, I counted no less than 5 people with blinds open, working on their PC's in their home office).

* I would not want to trade places with a celebrity for any amount of money (Just look at who is in the news and for what reason).

* When running late for work, you will hit at least 50% of all traffic signals, causing you to run even later. On the days you leave early, you will hit very few.

* Baiting scammers gives you motivation to study geography (I had never heard of Mari El until last week).

* If you look at your web logs, you will be amazed at what people are looking for when they find your page (about 25% of people are looking for info on the mattress I bought from Ikea, close to 20% are looking for info on a con man I crossed paths with once, and about 5% of my readers are looking for info on the "hello! i am bored tonight" spam mails...), not to mention where they are from (governments, universities, churches).

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