Saturday, July 07, 2007

Brighter Than Sunshine rain yesterday or today. I guess I can tell Noah to cancel the ark.

Seriously, for those of you who were not aware, North Texas has been getting rain for the past two months. I have never seen it rain as much in June and July as I did this year. Normally July has rain once, maybe twice all month long, but as of the seventh, we have had five days of rain.

Now with all this sunshine, one would think I would be out in it...but alas I am on call so I vacuumed, stripped and made the beds, worked on my Sunday School lesson (I even e-mailed it out to my class), and washed dishes. I did take a small excursion to the grocery store to pick up some tea, milk, and goodies as well as taking a walk with both dogs (they behaved very well).

I just stepped out of the shower and thought I would check my e-mail before watching Bodog Fights. I was hoping to go out to a watering hole with my martial arts instructor to watch UFC 73, but I did not want to risk going, paying a cover and having to leave...ruining the evening for "Jimmy". Oh well...there is always next time.

After Bodog, I need to get some sleep since I am teaching tomorrow.

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