Friday, July 13, 2007

I Said, "Do You Speaka My Language", Part 2

Again, I am not making fun of the people who entered these, but it goes to show how misspellings as well as using the wrong word can be a little...humorous.

I deal with people from all over the world and I want to say upfront that I thank you for at least trying to convey the message in English. Me trying to do the same in your language would be a disaster.

Actual Trouble Ticket descriptions (remember, I work in I/T):

"Mails Outlook problem" (I thought it was a problem if Outlook didn't mail, but what do I know...)
"Solution, Report problem" (Well duh!)
"IED payments rejected" (That is what you get when you try to rip off the guy who is selling you Improvised Explosive Devices)
"Bookie System Problem" (Go to jail, do not pass, go, do not collect $200...)
"Customer didn't get a Po (perches order number)" (What can I say about is just funny)
"Rooms have disappeared or been removed" (Well, if you would just pay your IRC rent on time...)

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