Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Morning After

After my chores were done, I watched the last 1/2 hour of IFL Battleground and then we watched "The 4400" that was recorded Sunday. I like The 4400, but is is becoming a bit of an X-Files clone and that was what I was hoping would not happen. The X- Files was good in its own right and any attempt to recreate it is a mistake.

After TV, I really was not in the mood to stay up, so I went to bed. My wife told me she was going to take a shower but I was completely out by the time she made it to bed.

I was woken up by a text message at 3:30 - 4:00 AM. I read (but I cannot remember much about) it, and deleted it. In my mind it was not important enough to keep. I wish I had though...I wonder who it was from? The only thing I can remember only one things...the word "Yahoo" in parenthesis. Odd.

The alarm woke my up at 5:00 AM and it was then I noticed that my older dog, Little Man, did not feel well. His stomach was making a very strange gurgling noise (it does this once in a while), but he was not hungry and he wanted to take his morning walk. When I got back my wife gave him an Endosorb to help his stomach while I took out The Golden and fed her.

The rest of the morning (up to and including my trip to work) was uneventful. I am sure that will change...life has a way of keeping me on my toes.

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