Monday, November 06, 2006

SERIOUS Rain / TV update

It rained Sunday. It was a hard, almost torrential downpour that no doubt would have inflicted pain had I been out in it. I was able to walk the dogs (with the help of my wife) in between downpours with a minimum of mess.

When I got up this morning, I knew it had been raining off and on (heavy at times) all night, but it was not raining at the moment, so I decided to give little man a quick walk. He wasted no time leaving a package for me to collect in my plastic grocery bag (it works well...try it) and he was ready to go home and wolf down his breakfast.

I got back and my wife was up and she was working on getting the dogs fed, so since I was not needed at that moment, I headed off to take care of business (shower, bible time, etc).

Once all that was taken care of and I had grabbed a bowl of raisin bran, I headed off to check the news and read a few blogs. Not much was new since the previous evening, so I made an update to my web logs and headed to work.

My route to work takes me by a public golf course and I have noticed they have serious drainage issues there. After a good heavy rain, much of the course is under water. When it recedes the course is littered with refuse and debris. Not a pretty sight. The same was true this morning. As I drove by, I could see all the water flooding much of the course. I guess it does not help that it is beside a sewage treatment plant. Well, it is a public course. Glad I am not a golfer.

TV update: Battlestar Galactica episode 6 was where near the caliber if the first 4 episodes.

I have been trying to watch Season One of "Eureka", but the show is getting very corny...even too much for me. I think I will hang it up when I complete the first season. I am glad Jericho is still holding my attention. I wonder...should I give "Heroes" a try?

1 comment:

rycherox said...

Yes, give Heroes a try. I've watched a few episodes and it has promise. I've yet to get caught up on everything so far, but that's what the DVR's for :-)