Thursday, November 02, 2006

Kerry Update / Testing Ubuntu

From the AP -

...on the radio program "Imus in the Morning," the Massachusetts senator said he was "sorry about a botched joke" about Bush. He heaped praise on the troops, adamantly accused Republicans of twisting his words and said it was the commander in chief and his aides who "owe America an apology for this disaster in Iraq."

How did the GOP twist his words...all they did was repeat what HE said. Dingbat.

More Kerry goodness, courtesy of AP -

"I am convinced a volunteer army would be an army of the poor and the black and the brown," - John Kerry, 1972.

On a non-related note, my childhood friend Knightmare has decided to give up Windows for 30 days and will be documenting it in his first blog. KM, do not give up on the blog or Linux!

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