Friday, June 01, 2007

Blitzkrieg Bop

Yesterday did not turn out like I had expected, but it was not too bad overall. The Swede made it to work although he stated he was not feeling well. He did not look sick, but I think most of his problems are stress related, and for that I pity him. If he does not find a way to deal with the stress he will not get any better.

I trained a bit with the team, and even made some customer calls, but mostly it was observing. The issues were not garden variety at all...this is the end of the month and all the odd issues come out when the reports are being generated. I bounced back and forth and we all discusses the next plan of attack. It looks like the Swede will take over the my old hotline Monday and will man it during the hours he is supposed to and I will man it after hours, since I most likely should not be on call for the new group for a couple of weeks.

After that wee, the Swede will take the hotline 24x7 and I will be free from it. I will however, be on call in a couple of weeks for the new group. We are hoping to get the two guys in Latin America on board with the rotation so we only have to be on call once a month. Yippee (if we can pull it off)!

I got home before my wife did (she was still at work) and I took care of the three dogs (feed, water, bathroom) before I ate a quick dinner (left over casserole) and got changed to mow the two yards. The grass was high and I new it would take longer than normal, so I allowed for that by only planning on mowing both yard, saving the trimming, edging and clean-up until tonight. However once I got started, there was so many clippings, I did not feel comfortable leaving them on the sidewalk, so I decided to do it all.

By the time I had finished, I had six bags of clippings (it had been raining for almost two weeks so I did not have the chance to get it done sooner), a large branch (fell out of the wonderfully unstable Bradford Pear), and a small stack of odd tall, fibrous weeds. Oh, yeah, it was dark, too. I did not get to trim our yard but I did edge most it. I ran out of line and since the light was waning, I decided to do the job I get paid for.

Once I was finished, I walked Little Man (my wife took the other two...brave woman) and when I returned, I jumped in the shower to scrape off all the grit and grime I had accumulated. It may not be as humid here as it is in Houston, but with all the rain we have received and the 85 degrees temps the day was humid enough for me.

Once got out I took care of the paperwork (receipts entered into AceMoney and a bill to my neighbor for four lawn cuttings) and then turned on the TV to watch a little WCL (World Combat league), which is a Chuck Norris created entity that is sort of like kickboxing. I do not like it as well as MMA, but it can be entertaining. During the broadcast, they had adverts for WEC (World Extreme Cagefighting) that will be broadcast on Sunday evening at 8:00 Central. I plan on watching that.

After making sure I was hydrated and the WCL was over, I brushed the my teeth and hit the wife and I were both pretty tired. We both had busy days.

I got up to the sound of our sprinklers running. That is odd because they are set to run on Wednesday. I got up to turn them off (we are still not allowed to water anytime we want...only on trash day) and checked the settings. They were really messed up. Time, date, etc were all off. I fixed what I could and turned them off. After walking Little Man and Jazzie, I finished my normal routine and headed to work.

Just as I was pulling in, "Blitzkrieg Bop" by The Ramones came on. It had been a long time since I have heard the original (I have heard it covered many times...even a Celtic rock version) and it made me start tapping my toes. I sat in the truck and waited for it to finish before I went in to the office. Once in, I dropped off a CD with the security guard to give to one of my clients who needed it. I guess I should really stop being so nice, but that is my nature...people need help and I give it.

Well, I am not sure what the day will bring...this end of month (it lasts about a week or so) and things can get funky very quickly. The threat board is mostly clear but the day is still young for me.

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