Thursday, June 28, 2007

Slow And Easy

No, this post is not about my ex-wife...

My day ended very slow...slow enough I told my TL/colleague to go home early. No calls, no issues outside the one that is ongoing and if the customer will not call me back (she has my work and mobile number as well as my e-mail) it is NOT going to get resolved.

I got home and took care of the pooches (which reminds me...I need to walk Little Man in a few minutes now that the torrential rain has finally subsided...) and ate a cheese burrito while I waited for my wife to get home. I was hoping to grab a small cheap bite (not from her...I am talking about food) out, but she did not want to wait so we just ate left overs and sandwiches.

After we had both eaten, my wife hinted that we needed to get creamer from the store (why didn't either one of us pick that up during one of our many trips to the market?) so I walked to Kroger (it is all of 3 blocks away) and picked that up as well as some granola bars and a Chocolate Angel Food Cake (marked down to 50 cents). I realized that Angel Food is incomplete without ice cream and since Breyer's was on sale for a buck a dessert was a whopping $1.50 and I still have enough to feed 3 more people. Go me.

After walking back (did I mention that it is humid outside?) and getting into some shorts, I dove into my dessert. I savored that while watching the second half of the LA-Miami WCL fight (LA is tough) and then washed up the dinner dishes.

I have really been enjoying the martial arts and mixed martial arts on TV. If I was not so old, I would consider going into training to compete locally. I know a guy who teaches martial arts (he is a 5th dan) who told me he would be glad to train me. I would have to drop a lot of weight, since fighting at 185 (my current weight) as a middle weight would not be smart. Imagine me against Rich Franklin...RIGHT! I realize that it could never happen but if I was 15 years younger I would not even think twice about it. Silly, I know but a boy can dream.

Well, I have procrastinated walking the dog long enough. Time to go back out in the humidity and get this over with. Man, I never though I would see 80% humidity in the summer time in Dallas. I guess Hell must have frozen over...this is NC weather.

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