Monday, June 18, 2007

S-S-S-Saturday Niiiight And The Rest Of The Weekend

I decided to go with my wife to help serve the kids at the "boot camp" weekend at our church. The taco salad was a hit and there were not as many leftovers as I had expected. As we were finishing up our part (cooking/serving/cleaning up) the youth were loading up the cars to go home. I think it was a success.

Tired, but not very sleepy, I sat in front of the PC watching IFL Battleground on my TV Tuner. Two hours and a several good fights later, I went to bed. With all my chores done and some relaxation in front of the TV behind me, I headed off to bed.

I got up tired, but I slept well. I completed all the tasks I needed to and headed off to church to lead my weekly Sunday School lesson. This week was on Deborah and Jael and it turned out to be as gory as the previous lesson (based on Ehud and Shamgar) was. The women in my class loved that...NOT. While they did not recoil completely, they admitted that it was rather gory.

With the class over with I headed off to the sanctuary were I saw some new faces, so I introduced myself. With the membership dropping (I am not going to air dirty laundry here) some fresh blood may be the thing we need. We have always been a very diverse group with people from all walks of life, nations, and backgrounds blessing us with their presence and their insight.

After service (which was themed for Father's Day), we went to one of my favorite Mexican restaurants, La Finca. We ran into the Elder and his wife and they asked us to join them, so we obliged. We had a good meal and conversation and after that was concluded, we returned to our respective homes to take naps. Great minds think alike.

After waking up from my nap, I took the dogs out to use the bathroom before any major rain hit. The weather has been pretty odd this spring with all the rain we have gotten so far. It has to be one of the top 10 wettest springs we have ever had in north central Texas.

The rest of the day was relegated to rest and TV. I try to make sure that I do not go overboard on Sunday since I tend to work pretty hard most of the week.

By 10:00 I was too sleepy to stay up so we went to bed and fell into an immediate slumber. I remember dreaming, but the subject matter eludes me...I was not able to recall any of my dreams even when I first woke up. All I do recall is that I wanted to see how they turned out. I guess I will never know.

All weekend long I thought of retirement and what I would do if I was retired. Now I am a long way off from doing that (thanks in part to me not saving more money sooner)...I have about 25 more years to work...but if I were retired, how would I spend my time? This weekend I decided I would give a chunk (prolly a large chunk) of my time to church projects. I have no problem volunteering my time to a worthy cause like our local church. They really are suffering because they cannot afford to hire full time the type of person they need. Most of the qualified people already work full time jobs and do not have time to dedicate to running an organization that could really benefit from professional full time leaders.

Well, if it is meant to be, God will put me in the position to help. I gotta follow his lead...not mine.

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