Sunday, June 03, 2007

Loose Ends

Work on Friday ended well. I left at 4:30 after agreeing with my new TL and the Swede on how we will handle the transition. While not perfect, it is okay. I took the Esc Mgmt on call this weekend and will take it as well after hours next week. The Swede will take the Esc Mgmt hotline during business hours (the busiest time) while I continue training for the new roll and he will do his last on call for Incident Mgmt next week. The week after that, my TL will be on call for IM and the Swede will be handling the phone for EM 100% of the time. After my TL is done with on call, I start on call for IM. Confused? I am...but only a little.

I got home from work on Friday and my wife was finishing up dinner for the youth at church. She had made homemade pasta sauce for spaghetti, but planned on cooking the rest at church. As we were leaving, I dropped the 2+ gallons of very hot meat sauce (and the large crock pot it was in) on the floor, sending hot liquid EVERYWHERE. Had I not been screaming (partially from the hot sauce on my hand and arm, the rest from self loathing) I would have gotten a picture of it. I will be honest and tell you that it was not my best Christian moment. I said a lot of words that should never come out of a Christian's mouth (not to my wife, but to was all my fault for dropping it) and you would have been shocked had you been standing there. My wife was much less upset that I had ruined her plans for the kid's dinner than she was that I was swearing like a sailor. Needless to say after the mess was cleaned up (she wanted to do most of it and refused to allow me to help much) and went to church to feed the kids salad and bread, fruit and juice that we found out that one of the parents thought it was her turn to provide the meal and brought pizza. We added what we had brought and all ended well.

During the ride home my wife let me know how upset she was at me. I could not blame her...I was not very mature handling the matter and the Holy Spirit did not waste time convicting me. One interesting side effect from my conviction is that I get sick to my stomach when it happens...almost immediately. This time was no different.

I briefly talked to my wife about the issue and told her that if I am to heal spiritually from this ordeal, I do not need a lecture. She did not agree with me at first, but she has not said anything negative to me about it for two days. We walked the dogs and not long after that we went to bed.

Saturday was yard work day. I trimmed our yard (since I did not get to do it Thursday), aerated the front and side yards by hand (my shoulders are so sore right now), sprayed weed control and trimmed hedges. They had grown so much, my wife (the person who normally cuts them) could not reach them so I had to chop off TWO FEET of hedges to get them low enough for her to work on. After all the trimming had been done, we put down mulch (nine bags at $2 a bag) and cleaned up three lawn bags of clippings...the bags were packed FULL. By this time it was 6:30 PM or so...both of us were too tired to cook or even get ready to go out and grab a bite. I got a shower (the dirt that came off of, then my wife and after we both were squeaky clean, we ate leftovers...not romantic but we were too tired to go out. I made the offer to go to get ice cream at Braum's, but my wife was not in the mood to leave the house, so I got it to go. A Black Forest Sundae for me and a Butter Pecan Mix for my wife.

I got back and we watched "Minority Report" on ABC, then I needed to prepare my Sunday School lesson for the next day. Before I started to prepare it, I realized that I had not read my bible lesson for the day, so I made sure I did that as soon as I was finished with the lesson.

I made it to bed at midnight.

On Sunday I woke up sore, as did my wife. She walked the dogs while I cleaned up the pile of dishes that accumulated over the past couple of days. After I was done with that I got the dog's food ready so my wife would at least not have that to do. After a quick check of the news and e-mail, I went to read my bible lesson for the day and get ready for church.

It started storming on my way to church and I made a mad dash to the education wing when I finally arrived. Only one person showed up for class (most of the class is out of town...not all but most) and I thought that it might be a bad session but the woman seemed pleased that I was able to give her some one on one time. Truth be told, I was relieved since some of the people that normally attend intimidate me. Not being raised in a Christian home puts me to a bit of a disadvantage sometimes. My biblical knowledge is not on the same level as theirs.

After SS and a pretty good church service, my wife and I, along with a couple of people from our care group went to Royal Chopstix for lunch. We chatted for quite some time before I told my wife w better head home.

The weather right now is a stark contrast to the weather we had 5 hours ago. The storm clouds and heavy rain have been replaced with white, fluffy clouds and bright sunshine. While being outside in it would be nice, the heat and humidity are a bit oppressive at the moment.

I need to call mom after bit, but I am not really in the mood. I want a nap.

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