Saturday, June 30, 2007

Weathermen Suck

I love the whole "scattered thunderstorms" concept. When the radar cannot give them any real idea what is going on, "scattered thunderstorms" always enters the picture. Face it are just guessing.

It was not raining this morning and I was able to sleep in some before I took Little Man for a walk. After our walk, I had coffee and ate a little breakfast (fruit, yogurt, milk, juice, granola bar) then tried one of the Tai-Bo workout tapes my wife has. I enjoy martial arts and with my ever growing gut (190 lbs this morning), I figured it was a good time to get started. It did not take long before I was sweating (which is a good thing), but towards the end of the beginners workout, the sharp pain in my left gluteus maximus (the proverbial pain in the butt) started acting up. I really think there is more sciatic nerve problems than originally discovered. I had a very sharp, sever attack several months ago but now the only things that cause it are related to working out my lower body (various kicks, Muoy Thai style knee strikes, etc). Normal exercise does not seem to have any adverse affects on it, although some stretching can aggravate it. I guess my dreams of martial arts are going to have to go on hold. Surgery will be the only thing to fix that and I am not in any real need of that...yet.

After that was done I started doing the weekly changing of the bed linens and vacuuming. I was able to get all that done before my wife got back from her workout, her trip to Sam's Club, and a quick trip for gas. While she was out, she picked up the PVC pipe I needed to reroute th AC condenser drain into the gutter downspout. Since this has been such a humid year so far, the AC has been pulling a ton of moisture out of the air and the drainage has caused a lot of water stains on the foundation, driveway, and garage door where it drips.

After a quick lunch I put up the PVC and used some CLR to removed the hard water and rust stains. Over all it did a pretty good job. Just as I was cleaning up it started to rain again. I think it was the second or third time so far and it was really making the weathermen look like fools. "Scatter Showers" my butt.

Once that was done I started on my Sunday School lesson. I did over half of it at work yesterday (we had a very slow day...makes me worried about next week...I am on call then) and I knew it would not take long to finish it.

A little TV (Steven Segal, "Fire Down Below") and I fed the dogs...just as my wife was hinting that she was hungry and not in the mood to cook (like I was...) so I offered to get burgers at Scotty P's. She thought it was a good idea...

After enjoying those, I took care of some Internet stuff and while I was doing that, our former neighbors (originally from Mexico City) stopped by to chat. It was nice talking to them.

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