Monday, June 11, 2007

Party 'Til You Puke

My TL did not come in today...he is having car problems (which I hear is common -- his car is at least 20 years old). The Swede came in but he said he was not feeling very well. He later admitted that he was hung over. Oddly enough could not tell...he looked perfectly normal to me. Nonetheless, he is going home...sick. I hope he has things covered. Sig's "Battle Buddies" post comes to mind ("not fair"), but I know the drill. Life is not fair. I can accept that.

With my TL out, that means I am running solo today. It has been okay so far. But I still have 2.5 hours to go...a lot could change. With last week being slow I expect this one to be busier. How much, I do not know. The hard part is sitting still. I hate sitting at a desk for hours on end. While there are little things I can do, I do not want to start them if my TL is not here to help cover. I have a lot of training I need to catch up on and a report that needed to be started soon.

I ate lunch at my desk, which is nothing unusual, but I would like to get out more. I have the feeling while I will be on call less with the new job, my life still will not be my own. At least I am still employed.

My wife and saw a motor home for sale on the way to church yesterday. It was just about the perfect size for us, but we have no place to store it. Having an RV and living in the burbs is not easy. You cannot park them on the street and my driveway is not big enough for that and to get my truck and my wife's van in and out of the garage.

Seeing the RV sparked a conversation about retirement and one asking "what if" one of us died...what would the other do. My wife states that she does not want to get married and hopes that the money from life insurance would allow her to survive a few years until she knows what she wants to do.

I mad e a lousy single person. I hate to be alone and actually like the idea of roommates at one time. I am not so sure I could deal with roommates now, but the idea of an empty house is not appealing. When my wife leaves town for a week or so to visit friends, I start having trouble sleeping the second or third night. The first night is not a problem...I am not sure why unless I am so exhausted that I just collapse, but the second or third night my sleep is fitful and I only grab a few hours at a time...waking often. It is funny how the house seems so different when it is empty. I actually slept on the floor one night next to Little Man when I could not sleep.

I realized the other day that I have never lived by myself before. I lived with my parents until I was 19 or so and then moved out with a girlfriend. I did not stay away long until I moved back. I was not ready to be on my own. I lived with mom and dad until I married my first wife and when we split (the first time) I found a room mate. A few months after that my (then wife) and I reconciled. My next living arrangement had me sleeping on the couch of a colleague for about a month until I found a room to rent. Still, I was not living by myself. I continued to have room mates until I remarried and moved in with my wife. In the 20+ years of living away from home, I have never lived by myself. Maybe that is why I have so much trouble when my wife visits friends in other states for 5 or more days.

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