Sunday, June 03, 2007

New Kid On The Block

I just finished watching the TV debut of WEC (World Extreme Cagefighting) on VS TV. Wow! The matches were pretty good and I think only one went to the judges. VS TV will be airing earlier fights on Wednesdays at 8:00 PM Central time so I can get even more MMA action.

I skipped the nap and surfed the web for a while. I called my mom but she was not home so ate a quick, sketchy dinner (one hot dog and roast beef and cheddar wrap) and washed it down with a cherry limeade. Just as I was finishing up, mom called me back so I talked to her until my mobile phone battery died...just at an hour. Since I had an hour to kill before my MMA came on, I took the dogs for a walk and helped my wife change the bedding in our room. We were too busy to vacuum Saturday and we do not work on Sundays, so we will need to catch up next week.

Well, I am not really tired, but I should get some rest.

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