Friday, June 15, 2007

Teacher, Teacher

I was able to finish by quarterly required company training yesterday afternoon. We are given 4-8 hours of computer based training to complete each quarter and so far I have been able to keep up. The courses vary by business unit and mine have been rather bland and not directly related to my job. There have been a few that were interesting (we had one on problem solving that I enjoyed even thought it was long) but most are rather bland.

Work has been mostly slow this week. My TL, who is on call, has gotten about one call per night, but they were quick and did not keep him up late. I hope that next week when I am on call that God blesses me the same way. However I am more likely to be tested like I normally am when I take on a new responsibility.

Tonight I am going to help my wife serve the youth meals for the "boot camp weekend" they are having. I did not sign up for it, but my wife is feeling the stress associated with what she does and she will need the support that I should be providing.

My son is getting his 15 minutes of fame via an article he wrote for a local magazine. It makes a dad proud.

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