Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Okay, So I Was Wrong...Sue Me

The rest of my day yesterday was rather non-eventful. Only on call came in and it was one of the easiest for us to handle...we called our customer's NOC and let them deal with it (it is a contractual thing). Once that was done, my TL went home and waited for the appropriate time to hand over the phones to my TL. I transferred the phone line and shut everything down. I packed up my laptop and went home to take my wife over to pick up her van.

Traffic was rather heavy and we did not get over to the dealer until 6:15 or so. Once she had her van, she went to go work out and I went home to take care of the dogs, eat, and wash dishes.

Once that was taken care of, I watched a little IFL Battleground (MMA) and then walked LittleMan. My wife cam home with groceries shortly after I started my walk, so I was unable to help her unload the van. She was not bothered by that at all.

I really was not in a talking mood and to be honest I was quite tired. I grabbed the laptop and browsed the web a bit before finally shutting it off and getting some sleep.

I woke up feeling achy, but after a short walk in the mist (it had rained off and on all night), I felt better, and after my morning coffee, even better. The normal routine was completed and I left for work, after saying goodbye to my wife, of course.

I got in to work and my TL said he had a quiet night. I am glad that he had one night of peace...we all deserve that. We chatted on the best way to handle an outstanding issue and created our plan of attack. Since we could do nothing until 9:00 AM, we decided that we would just take things easy until then. It will get hectic here soon enough.

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