Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Do You Really Want To Hurt Me?

The rest of my afternoon went well. Only one call and it was an easy one...all I had to do was call a guy in Europe who handled the issue...90% of what I normally do was done by him (it is a political and contractual thing). With that little thing behind me, all I needed to do was transfer the phones over to my TL who was on call and I could go home.

I got home and could immediately tell my wife was upset. She finally gave me a run down of what happened, we talked, then hugged and things were better. Sometimes (okay, most of the time) all we men have to do is listen and it "solves" the problem. Go figure :) .

I ate a sketchy dinner of cheese burritos and juice while I downloaded the docs I needed for the Trustee meeting to my USB memory stick. I was going to take my "new" old laptop to take the minutes on to save wear and tear on my work laptop.

I left the house to head towards my meeting a few minutes before my wife went to her (women's ministry) meeting. Since the trustees were early, we started and (eventually) ended early. The subject matter frustrated me but due to the nature of it, it will not be blogged. All I will say is that being on that board is a real test considering my personality and my veiw on money.

I got home by 9:00 PM and took Jazzie and Little Man for walk. My wife took The Golden after I got back and when she returned, we chatted a bit more. She was not in the mood to talk so I grabbed the laptop to check mail and the news. Nothing looked interesting, so I told my wife I was going to bed. I was actually enjoying my first night of not being on call...but I know that I will start a weekly rotation next week (one week on / one week off) for on call, with being on call on the weekends just once a month. Not too bad...

I slept like a rock (I did not even hear my wife cone to bed) but I had a lot of trouble waking up in the morning. The constant pulling of Jazzie as I am trying to walk her is annoying, but only a couple of more days of her super-hyperness will have to be endured...then we get to calm down some...just in time for me to go on call :-) .

I made it to work and found my TL had gotten his car running. It was only a battery, but both his and his wife's car were out of commission yesterday so he had to rely on relatives for rides and that was not fun or easy for him. I gave him the run down of what was going on and what I hope will be happening today and he was okay with it.

The facilities people closed my ticket stating that the desk I had asked to be moved into B30 was taken care of but as usual, it has not been done yet. Rather than getting all upset, I will give them until the end of the day and if it is not done by then, they will hear from me. This is just silly. It will take one man 15 minutes with a furniture dolly to complete this task. If my back would allow it, I would just do it myself, but I am not that foolish to try it.

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