Friday, June 08, 2007

Grrrrr - Memento

I am not a very happy camper right now. The Swede that I am switching jobs with decided to take the day off and leave me doing double duty, just like yesterday. I would understand if he actually had handled high severity issues last night, but he didn't. There were no new cases and no updates to the ongoing one. I called and e-mailed him but he never responded. He did call the TL at shortly after 8:00 AM, though...I guess that is a plus.

Going backwards in time...getting started this morning was hard...I did not get a restful sleep. Jazzie was her usual hyped up self and I was not in the mood. Thankfully I did not get too mad at her.

The city council meeting lasted more than 3 hours last night. During the meeting, I began to ache in my joints...all over. I personally do not think that is a good sign. I could not get comfortable and I was very sleepy. I guess it did not help that the meeting was boring...really boring...even more boring than usual. Why did I offer to the trustees to go there every month?

I got home from the meeting and my wife was very upset...the dogs were giving her problems...Jazzie with her normal exuberance and Little Man with his separation anxiety. When my wife leaves, he will lick his paws RAW until she comes back...unless I am home to pay attention to him. Doggie Prozac, anyone?

Work went well yesterday overall. It gave me a chance to test my skills a bit with the new job. It was actually kind of fun, but it would be better if the Swede would not be so selfish.

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