Thursday, April 19, 2007

Slave To The Grind

This is just a quick update...hopefully more will come later as time permits.

I got home at 9:00 pm last night after starting my day at 7:30 AM at the office. In the later morning/early afternoon an issue came up in Latin America that Regional Manager wanted driven "my way". While the issue is not solved, we are going to have to enlist the experts from global on this. Our 3 techs in the America's are stumped. I start today with an 8 AM ConfCall (of course many others will have been working on this for a few hours by then). I came home hungry (I had not eaten since noon) and tired, but I was not cranky. Thank you, Jesus.

I received my new glasses last night. I can see a lot better now. Things are sharper and crisper. Thank you, Doctor Coronado.

I missed care group last night but the leader mailed me the scriptures (Psalm 18) to meditate on. Thank you Master Kennedy.

My wife took care of the dogs for me since I was running late and was tire. She is a trooper walking both of them. Thank you, Mrs Gee.

My e-mail box has loaded with good friendly e-mails the past 2 days...almost all from friends offering words of encouragement and congrats to me and the missus. Thank you dear friends.

Wow...I really do have a lot to be thankful for.

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