Friday, April 27, 2007

New Strategy, R2...Let The Wookiee Win

I have a new strategy in dealing with my work hours. The past few days it has worked relatively well. I go to work the normal time (7:30 AM) and leave between 4-5:00 PM. I go home and fire up the work laptop and connect to the VPN at work (I love having broadband and a crack!) and stay logged on until 6 PM. It is not too bad and so far no one has complained. It is the best I can do for the moment.

I sent off an e-mail announcing to my contacts at work that I would be on vacation soon. I gave them the info they would need to run things while I am gone. While it most likely will not go smooth (we have guy here we call "Teflon" because nothing ever stays with him long...he deflects it to someone else) I have done my best considering the way things are. When the staffing is short, you do what you can.

Darn, the Exchange server that I connect to at work is down. Shame. Most of what I do goes through e-mail. I called the help(less) desk and asked about it and they said that it was down and would be up soon. I told them they needed to update the internal outage board and he just thanked me and wished me a nice the help(less) desk has been tough on us. Well, I guess I will update this blog!

My wife and I had a "date night" last night. It was far from fancy but it was nice to be out of the house for a little bit. We had the new "steakhouse" style burgers at Wendy's and while they are overpriced, they are better than the standard ones they serve.

After Wendy's, we went to Braum's for ice cream. I know I shouldn't have, but the caramel pecan hot fudge sundae there is soooooooooooo good. Hey...I walked two miles last night and I still have grass to cut, not to mention a church work day...I think I will burn it off.

I have been writing a bit lately and posting the finished products on the BSOBlog. Eventually they will make it on the BSOB web site, but one thing at a time.

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