Sunday, April 08, 2007

Action! Not Words

The rest of Saturday went pretty well. No major issues and we did all that we wanted to do (vacuum, laundry, bedding, etc) and were able to make it to our dinner with friends 30 miles north of us.

Dinner went well. Not much went on (Mickey and Mary are not "entertainers" so to speak) although the bigscreen was on showing a variety of movies (13 Going on 30, Friday Night Lights, and Full Metal Jacket). Only Friday Night Lights was somewhat entertaining to me (I guess living in Texas made it that way) but it still was not a great movie...only tolerable.

We had brats, steak, green beans, and a variety of salads for dinner and HOMEMADE carrot cake (Thank you Paula Dean!!) for dessert. Beer, water, and sodas were available for drinks (I think there was wine as well, but it never was cracked open, IIRC). The men gathered in the TV room while the women ate in the kitchen. It seemed a bit old fashioned but that was the way things ended up.

We left at 9 PM after finishing watching Friday Night Lights. The other couple (Bob and Chrissy) had to leave early due to Chrissy's so far undiagnosed illness. Bob thinks that it is allergies but she is not so sure. A battery of tests have been ran on her but none have offered any answers yet. They are high on my prayer list. I cannot imagine living like that.

We got home and I walked the dogs before we headed to bed.

Sunday was nice and laid back. It started with church and a quick lunch at a local Chinese restaurant and ended as it normally does with a call to mom and some TV. Easter service was a mock news cast and featured...ME and a few part was small but it was done really well!

Seriously, it was pretty good. Ben and Kara were the news anchors, our pastor was the reporter, and there were three of us that video recorded parts with the pastor a week ago. They were designed to look like live shots and looked pretty good. My wife laughed at my performance and at first I was hurt, but she said that it was because I was acting and not like my normal self...she is used to seeing me funny and I was playing a straight faced Sec of Information...not my normal role. I like acting and would not mind doing more...the church gives me a safe outlet for that.

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