Friday, April 06, 2007

Absotively Posalutely

Well, I have been in contact with the global inc mgmt team and I have verified that they are working from home as well and that most of the world is off today, except Asia. I find this very ironic that my company is working today but most of our customers are not. Sounds a bit biased when we take holidays off that our customer does not and since this is one of the major Christian holidays, why does my company not have it as a company wide holiday? We are "diverse" company. The company "celebrates" diversity in the workplace (READ: Gay, Lesbian, Transsexuals, etc) but not religion (at least in the name of Christianity). While I am sure this is not the case, it would appear as such. We have diversity training focusing on "alternative" lifestyles but we cannot have Good Friday off as a holiday? Even the non-Christian customers we support let the employees have today off as a "Spring Holiday".

At least I can work from home. I may even shut down my work PC since I am on call 24 x 7 and treat this is a partial day off...working only as I get called. That may work...

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