Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I Am Not That Smart

Really. I prefer to say that I have lived an eventful life. I do not feel I am smarter than anyone else, but I do feel that because I learn from my experiences and my mistakes, I have plethora of knowledge wedged in my skull. Not all of it is useful, but it is there.

My wife likes to tell people that I am intelligent. She is my wife and she is biased, but I do appreciate her kind words. I am not, however, "smart'. Yes, I have scored slightly higher on IQ tests than the "average" person (I scored in the 120's and average human intelligence is 90-110) but I do not think that qualifies me as smart. Let's just say that I have been around long enough that I have learned a thing or two.

Everything I experience lends to my "intelligence". I read as much as I can every day (even if it is only a couple of chapters from the Bible) and surf the web and watch TV for knowledge rather than for entertainment. I grew up poor, have lived in three states, been married twice (which has allowed me to experience both good and bad in relationships), and have a child. All of these have given me a unique perspective and can give the illusion that I am intelligent.

I know some smart people. I also know a lot of people who claim that they are smart and I can safely say I am not like either group. Smart people usually need to be challenged all the time. I like things easy, to a point. People who claim that they are smart usually go out of their way to prove it. Not me. I prefer out of the spotlight helping things along when I am needed.

I am not sure why that has been on my mind, but it has. Now that I have that off my chest, can someone PLEASE help me get rid of my sinus issues? This change in weather is killing me.

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