Monday, April 23, 2007

Blue Tomorrow

...actually blue Monday...I am not motivated at all.

I chatted with my boss/old boss (not surewhich , we just re-org'd again) and we exchanged pleasantries (how was your weekend, etc). I old him mine was busy and he asked my how, so I gave him the run down. He seemed surprised that I was still doing the same old job without any relief. He said he would go talk to his boss about it. I was offered another position here (details are sketchy because nothing has been fleshed out yet) and I have accepted it under the condition that my current role disappears...I do not want to do it any more. I do not want to be on call 24 x 7 x 365. Period. My bosses boss agreed to this, but told me he needed to work on something first. I have not heard back from him with the exception of a lot of mgr talk (no disrespect meant...he does not have an answer for me yet).

My wife asked me when I am taking any days off (outside of the vacation I will be taking in few weeks) and I just chuckled. Extra bodies is not something we have right now. She can tell this is beginning to wear on me. I have been on this since Nov 1, 2006 without an official day off (the job description says Mon-Sun, 10-6), holiday, or vacation. Not whining, just commenting. At this point a 22 hour drive to the Crystal Coast will be a pleasure compared to always being on call.

I also got a very cryptic e-mail from my DLM (dotted line manager) in Europe today. It made no sense at all but rather than open a can of worms and e-mailing him about it...I just left it. It has something to do with an issue he is actively working on (I am getting the updates) but I am lost on what the e-mail was for.

Oh well. Anyone have any chocolate?

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