Thursday, October 25, 2007

OF All The Things To Critique...

A long time ago I posted my critique of "Farscape", a mostly enjoyable sci-fi show. Today I noticed an anonymous (I dislike anonymous comments...maybe I should turn them off) reader decided to ask me to make corrections to my post. When I first read it, I naturally assumed the reader was asking me to correct grammar or spelling. I am used to that. My good fried Land Shark has mentioned to me before, but as I told him, I blog for one else. He understands.

No, the reader sent this:

I know your post is old but it would be great if you went back and made a few corrections.

First of all one cannot fornicate with their spouse. Look up the definition of fornicate.

Secondly a whore barters with sex. D'argo enters into a relationship because of lust/love not for reasons of commerce. Depending on your views regarding alien sexual relations he may be immoral but he is no whore.

I send my best wishes and hope that you are happy and well.

Now here is my response:

1) The urban dictionary includes fornicate as sex with or without being married. While the urban dictionary is not the end all resource for word definitions, it does for "urban" speak.

2) Whore - a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse, usually for money; prostitute; harlot; strumpet. Notice it says USUALLY for money, not exclusively. Besides, I was talking more from an urban perspective where "whore" means anyone who sleeps around.

I made the corrections that were suggested, but under duress. I have not always been a Christian so I understand a lot of street talk and sometimes use it when it is not offensive. Men and women can be whores (in a liberal sense) and fornicate is used on the street when kids want to sound mature. So I guess the original commenter was technically correct on this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whore - 3. A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain.

Fornication -
1. Unlawful sexual intercourse on the part of an unmarried person; the act of such illicit sexual intercourse between a man and a woman does not by law amount to adultery.

So based on these definitions according to Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)I would have to agree with you on the WHORE but agree with your commenter on the FORNICATION perhaps you could have used COPULATION instead :-)

Maybe it was all that Nightequil that made me comment on this post :-)