Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I have not posted in a couple of days which is unusual form me but I really have not had much to write about. After another slow day at work yesterday(the only excitement being our network was down for seven hours), I came home and mowed my neighbor's yard (it had been 3 weeks since I mowed it last) and trimmed and edged both ours and our neighbor's. I got done after it was already dark (I hope it looks okay!!) and oddly enough, my wife was not home and she had not called. Since I was a stinky mess from my chores, I hopped in the shower just as she pulled in.

Earlier on that day my wife had to go in for some testing on a lump they found on her Thyroid gland. At first I did not give it much thought, but when the tests came back, the doc ordered more tests. Also, the center charged my wife $200 for the test even though we have an HMO. Money has been tight and I hate to admit it but yes, I worry about money. These things had been weighing heavy on my mind all day. I did not eat dinner and by the time my wife got home, those nervous thoughts coupled with my low blood sugar allowed me to snap at her. I quickly apologized to her and she forgave me. For once my reasons made sense to both of us.

Today is Texas State Fair Day. I normally take this day off from work each year so I can spend it with my wife. This year, my TL has to work by himself, but if it is as slow as it has been the last 5-7 days, he will "fair" okay.

While the fair goes on for a month, we chose this day to go because admission is free with a donation of canned food. Personally I could not care any less to go to the fair, but my wife really enjoys the atmosphere so I oblige her. At least I can check out the auto show.

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