Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Crazy Days, Sleepless Nights

I am on call this week and while my nights have not been busy so far, the days have been very crazy. I go home dead tired and usually am in bed by 10:00 PM. The problem with that is that I wake up at all hours fully refreshed. I have to force myself to go back to sleep. At least when the alarm goes off I am not so fuzzy headed that I cannot function.

Monday we had a ton (4 inches) of rain in the area. I caused all kinds of problems with flooding and at least one of my colleagues was unable to get to work. The local municipal golf course was completely under water and debris was everywhere.

On Tuesday I walked my dog down to where I hid my cache and noticed that all the rain we received did not harm the cache at all. Yes the label I put on the outside faded and ran, but everything on the inside was very dry. I hope I can place it soon. The owner has not responded to the e-mail I sent him and if he waits too long, the admins will archive his site. His loss.

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