Monday, October 29, 2007

Geocaching Spree

I had made plans to go out and geocache Saturday morning for a few hours before I started on my chores around the house. I normally work first then play, but I wanted to get out a get a few before it got too hot. I managed to get 14 for the day (thanx to a hint for one of them) before I headed home to do my chores. I think I had about four DNF's and I have no idea where they are hidden. My best guess is that they are gone.

I finished my chores (strip/make bed, vacuum house, dry clothes) and even managed to mop the kitchen floor, much to the delight of my wife.. I had just finished when my wife called and told me that she was running a bit late. I told her not to worry and I got cleaned up while I waited for her to come home.

When my wife finally managed to get home, She changed clothes so we could go meet Mickey and Mary for dinner at TGI Fridays. We had not seen them in a while and it was nice to talk with them again.

After dinner and some small talk, my wife and I returned home to walk the dogs. We did not stay up too late since we both had a long day.

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