Thursday, October 04, 2007

Lunchtime Failures

I thought I would spend my lunch hour trying to get a few of the caches that have proven troublesome over the past week or so. I Started off at the ball field, but I could not find the prize hidden there. It has been a few weeks since anyone has found it (and more than one person has struck out in the process) and I am just the next person on the list.

With the wind out of my sails, I trekked over to one of the 5 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle themed caches (I only have found one so far) and finished my lunch while I looked for it. The place has been frequented by several people lately and since neither I nor LegendofZelda (a fellow geocacher) has been able to find it, it too may be muggled.

With my hopes for a successful lunch caching session sinking fast, I try a site I have not tried yet. It is rumored to be difficult, but I am up for the challenge. It is across the street from the TMNT site I fear has been muggled, in an area that used to be a mini golf course, but has been abandoned. I think I think I know the general area but as I get back there I find the camp of a homeless person (they are not there) and since I am by myself and in an abandoned area, I decided to pass this one up.

Feeling defeated, I head off to one more of the TMNT themed sites. They are TMNT themed because each of them is near a sewer/culvert opening in the city. They are out in the open and very public, so they are mostly safe. Anyhooo...I head to that site (I was there yesterday but struck out) and look, following the clues that have been left for me, but I cannot find anything resembling the booty. After wasting my lunch hour on four caches all withing 1/2 mile of each other, I go back to work...defeated.

I guess I can take solace in the fact that I managed to get one this morning before I came to work and that there are at least two I can get on my way home if I want to. They are right along the way...

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