Friday, October 05, 2007

Keeping It Country

Traffic was mostly light on my way home last night. My wife was working so I figured I had a little time to stop off and grab a couple of caches along the way. One was an LPC (Lamp Post Cache) and the other was under a small pile of rocks beside a not so busy bank. I think both of them together took me 7 minutes. Not too shabby.

I came home and let the dogs out, fed, and watered them. The fridge was mostly bare and what little was there was not not to my liking. So with the wife's permission I went and grabbed some McDonald's (Chicken Club sandwich) and headed to my city council meeting. On my way there, I realized that I was going to be early so I stopped of and checked on a couple of the caches that are withing 1/2 mile of city hall. The first one looks like it has been lifted (a common problem for urban caches) and the other was either too well hidden for a quick look or it was missing as well. I write the owner of the first one to let him know but decided not to do anything about the second one until I can go back and give it a thorough search.

I headed back to city hall and sat through a very short (less than one hour) meeting. Only one major issue was brought up (a zoning request change) and it was considered a non-issue since the master plan calls for the change any way. Once the meeting was over, I went home, checked my mail, and went to bed.

I got up feeling pretty good. My allergies are subsiding a bit but they are still there. Mostly it is just sinus issues but I did have a sneezing fit while walking Little Man. I am sure the rain the other day helped out.

I got ready for work after completely the normal ritual and then headed out the door with my geek bag (laptop and accessories) and my meager lunch. I am going to have to grab something today (the fridge is still bare)...and that is not appealing.

One the way to work I managed to grab one cache. It was near a loading dock, in a magnetic key box under some metal stairs. I was int and out in 3 minutes, just as the workers were filtering in. Slick.

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