Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Walking In Sunshine

I will enjoy it while I can. It is currently not raining! We have had some rain the past couple of days (and we needed it) and we have more in the forecast.

Soldier Boy called from Germany. He is currently on leave and enjoying as much of Germany as he can during his two weeks. He spent the night in a cabin in the mountains last night and he said that it was a lot of fun. He has informed me that he has taken a ton of pictures. I hope he has!

This has been one of the better days at work. No stresses, all the high severity cases that could affect me have been closed, and I did a little administrivia for the Sec Mgr. It was about 1.5 hours worth of paperwork that i tucked in after lunch and in between mails and tickets. Overall not bad. Now if every day could be like this and I could work 7:30 - 4:40, Mon-Fri (with weekends and holidays off) and no on-call...El Gee would be happy.

Well, I think I am going to cut out 15 minutes early so I can go home and move stuff. I am sure it will not be fun, but it needs done before the carpet cleaners get there tomorrow. We also have care group and if at all possible, I would like to watch Jericho tonight (I can watch BSG anytime...). Of course there will be dog duties to take care of but hey, that is just part of the routine, eh?

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