Thursday, March 29, 2007

Aleve Time

I got home and found a note from my wife stating that she had gone to go work out at the gym. The dogs and been fed and let out and there was a load of clothes that needed to go into the dryer. She also requested I start moving some of the smaller items in to the spare bedroom so the rest of the carpets could be cleaned. Well, I knew what was going to keep me busy for a while.

I started the dryer and grabbed a handful of pita chips and a Monster Lo-Carb energy drink to hold me over until it was time for care group and I started to move furniture. I moved small stuff and managed to take care of my office before my wife got home. While she was in the shower, I grabbed the laptop and read my mail and checked the news. 20 minutes later we were ready to leave.

Care group went well, but again we did not get out until right before 10:00 PM. Of course that makes a long day for everyone so we decided to start meeting at 6:30 to see if we could be done my 9:00 or 9:30 PM. Everyone agreed that this was a good idea. We meet at our house next week since the host and leader will be out of town. I am going to lead, and my wife will play hostess. I think this will be fun.

I got home and walked little man and then my wife and I watch Jericho. It was a very tense episode and surprised me in some areas. There are a lot of things going on that are going to make the show even more intense in the upcoming episodes...I cannot wait.

I had planned on moving stuff after care group, but my wife wanted to watch TV. I did as well, but I was willing to wait until after we moved stuff...but that did not happen. Instead we both went to bed and decided to move stuff this morning.

I got up a bit tired, but nothing unusual (like what happened a few days ago) walk and my coffee soon had me alert enough to start moving things. My wife got up shortly after I was finished with my java so we started moving things until everything was out of the way. With that, I finished my routine and headed to work.

Upon arriving at my office, I notice I am one of the first to show up...which is normal. I fire up my laptop and check the threat board (Hi Sev issues) and see that the night was busy for Europe. They had seven new ones but at least three of them are closed. None of the others are global so I am not concerned at that time. I typed up my reports and sent them out to the proper people, read my mail (again today there was not much), and checked the ticket queues. I saw nothing important or that demanded my immediate attention, so I checked the internal webs sites for any news of interest. I found nothing exciting so I checked up with the Incident Mgmt Team to see how things were with them. Like me, they are looking at a good start. Things can change quickly here, but for now I will enjoy the peace.

I am sure my back will feel a bit worse after I get home and start moving things back into place so I will need to take a couple of Aleve after I get home and have dinner. I have a feeling it will be sandwiches or eating out (I hope cheap...we need to conserve a bit) but that is okay with me. I am a is food, mostly :-)

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