Thursday, March 22, 2007

Random Bytes

* A headhunter called today. Indian, I believe who was calling about a job in Austin. I had a lot of trouble understanding him...he talked so fast that his words were coming out in a jumble. I kept telling him, "No, DALLAS, not Austin" and he kept asking me if I was sure. he then said something about e-mailing me at my g-mail account so I said, sure. I need to see what job board has me set for Austin and fix it, pronto. By the way, I never did get an e-mail from him.

* My wife called me while I was on lunch just to say she loved me. I am touched.

* I have 15 short stories started but only two are completed. I am far from a writer but I like to tell stories. I was hoping I could get one published if I could ever get one finished!

* It looks like I have more junk to go wife's boss is giving her several items for me to either use or recycle. Joy.

* We have too many "Chicken Little's" working here. The sky is not always falling.

* A ten minute power nap can make a world of difference.

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