Thursday, March 15, 2007

Into The Night

Well at least the rest of the day went well. I spent the rest of the time after lunch catching up on little things so when 4:30 came around I was ready to leave. My drive home was uneventful with the exception of my BiC with marriage problems calling me. His issues are minimal now...I, as well as a host of others, have given him information that should be helpful in the long run.

I got home to find my wife's van parked in the middle of the garage instead of on the side she normally parks on, so I had to park in the driveway. We would be leaving soon to meet a few of our care group for dinner at the Hong Kong Palace since Care Group had officially been canceled.

My wife had coupons but forgot them due to the fact that we took my truck instead of her van, where the coupons were located. Of course we took my truck because her van was not able to get out because my truck was parked behind it, because the van was in the middle of the garage. Sigh. No worries...even though we have eaten out several times this week, we should be ok. I will just need to remind my wife that we are on a budget.

The meal was nice and the only other male to show up talked shop with me. I think we only stayed a little over an hour and I have left overs for lunch...I am happy!

We got home and watched a good episode of "Jericho", then my wife went to bed. I stayed up to wash the dog bowls walk Little Man, enter in some receipts into Acemoney, answer some e-mail, check the job boards, and check the NCAA tourney schedule. Carolina plays today and honestly has fair chance at winning it all. Not a big chance...the Jayhawks are the favorite, but a chance none the less. Dick Vitale thinks we can win it, but then again, who cares what "Dook" Vitale thinks?

Well, I need to start getting ready. I have my first meeting with the new global team that could go either way. I will pray for a good meeting...I hope you will too.

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