Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sleep Patterns Are Back To Normal

OK! Two normal nights of sleep in a row and I think all is well and good.

A lot of hot issues went on at work which kept me in "alert mode" all day long. The two that were lingering before I left (early, by the way) are still with updates, the other does not have any...I need to make sure Mexico gets on the ball.

I got home and went into "dog care mode" (let them out to use the bathroom, food, water, clean-up) and waited for my wife to get home to see what she wanted to do about dinner. I snacked on Pita Chips while I waited. Not bad, but they needed hummus.

I checked e-mail ( a couple from church, a couple from the gang, but mostly spam) and did some updates to maximus, my new server . I forgot to set up samba so I could share files with Windows. A few minutes later, that was done. When that little bit of excitement was over with, I watched something on Discovery about lobster fishermen. Looks like the pay is good, but the work looks very hard, not to mention dangerous. My wife got home and we decided on leftovers so they would not linger and after a quick trip in the microwave oven, our food was done. We ate and cleaned up the mess and then retired to the living room. I needed to walk Little Man before it got too was Law and Order night and we did not want to miss any of the new episodes.

We started watching L&O but as usual, my wife dozed off and on so she does not know how either episode ended. Both were pretty good. I never seem to tire of that show (all three varieties it) and look forward to Tuesday and Friday nights. Of course Mondays (24) and Wednesdays (Jericho) are great nights as well for TV.

I went in to the bedroom while my wife watched the news. I read for a little while but soon grew sleepy so I turned off the light and slept like a baby until 4 AM or so. I was actually awake at 4:00 AM but stayed in bed, dozing in and out until the alarm sounded at 5:00 AM. Once it went off, I bounced out of bed, ready for the day ahead.

I have a couple of major tasks at home today. We are having our carpets cleaned (the last guy did a lousy job) and I need to move all the stuff I can into the spare (empty) bedroom. Some things we cannot move so we will just leave them and ask the crew to work around them.

We also have care group tonight. I always look forward to it but as of late the mood seems to have changed. I cannot tell if it is because the leader/host is getting burned out or not. If that is the case, then we need to make changes soon.

I am not sure what the day at work will bring. There are always a ton of little things that seem to creep in. I really pray that things go smoothly and I can go home on time. I would like to get the stuff moved before we go to care group. doing it after would make it a long night.

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