Thursday, March 22, 2007

Nothing At All

Lunchtime came around and I scarfed down my food so I could take a quick power nap in my truck the last 20 minutes or so that I had left. When I had returned (my nap was great!), I had several e-mails regarding an issue in Europe that had crippled communications for our customer. Now the issues is not something we work on...the WAN is their baby, but we still need to be aware of it. One of the e-mails was from a manager who was "a little concerned" and wanted the issue escalated. Please. From everything that I read and been told, the correct group was working on it. Not only that, but they knew exactly what the problem was and were in the process of correcting it. The outage lasted three hours total and while that sounds like a long time, it actually is not bad at all since it happened after European business hours. Reporting an issued, paging an on call tech and having that tech get back into town, diagnose, and repair the issue in three hours is not too shabby. Nothing to worry about...nothing at all.

The rest of my day went well and quitting time arrived quickly. I hopped in my truck and headed home to see my lovely wife and get ready for care group. When I got home I remembered that it was the day that the city allows us to run our sprinklers. Since I had not ran them in quite some time, I decided to test them. I ran each zone separately, adjusting the nozzles to actually spray in the yard, rather than in the street. After all eight zones had been tested and adjusted, I shut the system off and went inside. I took care of receipt entering (daily chore for me) while my wife rested on the couch. She had a rather full day and was run down so I let her rest in front of the TV watching "Mythbusters" and "It Takes A Theif" until it was time to leave.

I had to change clothes because working with sprinklers means spraying water and spraying water means getting wet. Dry clothes were put on and we left for Care Group.

Dinner at Care Group was baked catfish, Orzo pasta, lima beans, fresh pineapple, asparagus, and fresh brewed green tea. For dessert we had a great carrot cake from the farmers market. I was a very happy man!

After dinner we did the lesson, which was based on morality, more specifically, giving yourself margin in the area of sexual morality. It was actually more of a complex issue than I had expected, but Jimmy did a pretty good job. After the lesson we watched the accompanying video and talked. We had a couple of visitors come late to the group and they seemed very nice...I hope they come back.

After chatting for a few minutes we went home so I could walk Little Man and then watch Jericho that we had taped. My wife was rather disappointed that it was not on last night, but when I told her that the next 3 epi's sounded really good, he spirits lifted. We both really like that show.

With nothing pressing to do and realizing that we both were tired, we hit they hay about 10:30 or so. I was only able to read about 2 pages before I dozed off...I must have been tired!

I woke up about 30 minutes before the alarm went off (am I finally used to DST?) but laid in bed until the alarm sounded. With that I got up and started to take Little Man out, but I realized by wife and Grande Rojo (The Golden...Big Red) were gone, so I made my coffee before I left. My wife never locks up when I am home and if I leave, I lock she would have been locked out. When my coffee was done, she had just stepped onto the porch so I took my cup o' joe (laced heavily with pecan creamer) with me as I walked Little Man.

Once I was back I completed my ritual and headed out the door to go to work. The drive was peaceful, only to be interrupted by the BiC who was having marriage issues. Now that his marriage is stable, he likes to give me the run down about his job...I guess we all need an outlet. He really enjoys talking on the phone much more than I do. I prefer e-mails or IM's to phone calls.

I got to work and found nothing pressing so I did my morning reports and checked in with a few teams to see how things were going and found out things were stable. I like good news.

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