Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Pull Me Under


No matter how hard I try, I cannot function on 5 hours sleep. I can guarantee I know what I will be doing at lunch time.

Work was very boring...some excitement was promised early on but it turned out to be all bluster. The highlight of my day turned out to be the trustee meeting at 7 PM.

I got home to find my wife getting dinner together. She had stopped cleaning long enough to ensure that I would have a home cooked meal before I left for the meeting. Since the food was all prepared except for the steaks, I told her I would finish. 15 minutes later the filets were done. I started to load up our plates and we sat down to eat.

The meal was okay, but to be honest, nothing tasted "good" to me. The steak seemed over seasoned (I like a Mexican blend dry rub...spicy but it allows the flavor of the meat to come through) and oddly enough it was not as done as I like...It came out medium rare and I like mine medium, so I popped them in the microwave for 45 seconds to bring them up to temperature

The noodles seemed doughy to me and the cabbage was bland. I know it just had to be me because my wife enjoyed hers and commented that it all turned out well. I helped clean up while my wife took care of the clothes in the dryer (she was multi-tasking to the max). After the dishes were done, I had just enough time to eat my last mango before my meeting. I started peeling the rather large tropical delight when I noticed that the mango looked spoiled. I sniffed it and took a little taste and realized my first assumption was correct. I tossed the fruit and got ready to leave. I was full, but very unsatisfied with my meal.

I left the house and stopped over to Kroger to get me a Monster energy drink an something sweet...I was having a craving for something I probably should not eat. I go in and get my treats and promptly drop the piece of my in my lap (I was eating it on the way to the meeting), getting it on my shirt, jeans, and the seat belt. I was rewarded for my lack of self control. Lesson learned.

The meeting went well, overall. We have our rough spots (who doesn't when we talk money) but the meeting was sailing along smoothly. about 3/4 of the way through the meeting our son the soldier called. He is on a mission and could not tell me where he was, but he did say that something very traumatic happened but he was not allowed to disclose it. He assured us that he was okay. After a difficult call (the 2 second delay on the satphone was hard to get used to) he told me he would call my wife and chat with her. I hung up and went back to the meeting.

After the meeting was over at 10:00 PM or so, my wife and I sat down to watch "24" that we recorded. About half way into the episode, my wife's cell phone rang and it turned out that it was our son. Since I had already talked to him and Little Man needed a walk, I took him while Mrs Gee talked to Soldier Boy. When I got back (20 minutes or so), she was still talking to him, so I went to enter receipts into AceMoney and pay the other Citicard bill. When I was done, they were still talking so I checked my e-mail. Just as I finished that, she hung up so we finished watching the episode.

We finished with "24" about 11:30 PM. My mind was still very much awake but my body was tired. I laid in bed and played Spider Solitaire on my PDA (the hardest level...4 decks) until I was drowsy...about midnight or so.

I woke up at 4:30 am to make pits stop and tried to stay awake until the alarm went off at 5:00 am, but I could not...just as I dozed off, the alarm went off and got up to walk Little Man.

It was very foggy and quiet out this morning in our neighborhood. I only heard 2 cars the entire time I was walking (normally traffic is non-stop) and the fog gave an almost unearthly feel to the morning. I was beginning to think that something was wrong until I got back to the house and started hearing a few cars, then the wail of a fire truck. Nothing was amiss...all was normal.

I completed my routine and left for work after kissing my wife goodbye. I drove in silence through the foggy streets, watching impatient commuters zigzag between slower moving drivers. I did not turn on the radio, nor did I call my BiC who I have been ministering to (he and his wife are doing much better...things are looking up for them). Instead, my thoughts kept going back to a (then) teenage girl I knew in WV many years ago. We were never romantically involved (I was not interested in her...she was not my type), but she has been on my mind as of late. Actually I had forgotten about her until Knightmare and Holmes brought her up as we were trading e-mails about the BSOB project. I keep getting the feeling she is in some sort of trouble and I cannot shake it.

Well, this will most likely be long day. I have to help my wife finish cleaning tonight when we get home. We both work today so we will be tired and hungry when we get home. We have to clean tonight because we did not have time on Saturday and I refuse to work on Sunday. I know it is a lot to ask, but we will manage...

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